Heya, i decided to post a blog. Grant sent me some cool links, thanks man! noisy and such. It's real sweet. I'am about to fucking ramble so here i go. If you just want the release scroll down to the bottommmmm
The show went real well. I'am of course talking about the show with my band Oodles of Noodles. We tried a new set and we had....4 new songs. The crowd loved it, when we were silent some random guy would say, "I LOVE OODLES!" it was very heart warming. Butters did the announcing and spoke this time, because i am too quiet. He had a pitch shifter thing on his mixer so when he spoke it sounded like little cartoon children speaking. We also wore his pink wig. Trying to be a weird band.... Mission Accomplished
I tore shit up. At the end of our last song i took my guitar off and beat the shit out of it, and then threw it in some random direction, and started DJing my Korg Kaossilator like a mad cunt. People liked it, it was probably our best set, real progressive, punk-ish, grungy.
But get this.... haha we came in last. We got 5th in the judge votes, but 4th in crowd votes. Cuffs were 4th(should have got 2nd at least) Low and Behoolflsofloglodfhdg iam sorry their name doesnt even matter. I'am not even being rude, their music sucks, its overly simplistic breakdown cookie cutter music with some guy grunting as if he had not had a bowel movement in 5 months. But anyways, they got 3rd. True Blue City got 2nd. and When Forever Fails got 1st. True Blue city was ok, they deserved it i guess, it was your generic indie 4 cord band with the singer talking about how he was missing someone or some shit. When Forever Fails.... They confuse me. One of the guitarists and the drummer are in another band called Fictions and Skylines. I saw them play with Nova Scotian Arms. They were pretty much an Explosions in The Sky rip-off(used one of their riffs acutally). While i used to be into EITS i realized all their stuff sounds the same and they abuse the quiet loud build up dynamic in their music. But the reason they confuse me is because those people play metal, and then they play instrumental post-rock? wtf??!! I guess post-rock is doomed. its ok Sigur Ros is the only good post-rock band to listen to anyway.
Cuffs deserved to beat us haha. They seriously need to play Mineral Spirits more, its such a good song with catchy riffs. We met with the judges after we played. They all seemed to like us. One judge said the whole instrumental thing with our "unique" appearances was very mysterious. They gave us props for being an instrumental band in this doomed scene. They were all full of fucking maggot infested shit. We got the papers back on their judging. One judge said we were the most original band that played, but gave us a 2. Another said were very technical and had cool guitar parts but gave us a 2 for sound. Well some of them. I can understand us not winning, i really do. We've only been a band for about 4 or 5 month. We dont have vocals, we're instrumental, we're not "hardcore", i can see how people would not like us. But seriously.... I know our music isn't bad. If anything we're an amateur instrumental Hum or Dinosaur Jr.
Fuck i dont know what to do with this band. I seriously dont want to change stuff up. All of our material has come naturally. I dont want to force anything. I dont want us to be confined to a particular sound, fuck i dont know. Then I ask myself, am i making music for me or for the people? i dont know. I enjoy making noise stuff and doing things on my own. But i always have that dream of having a technical space rock band. I cant be too hard on myself.... Ive only been playing guitar for 1 1/2 years. This is my first band... Hmm, well see how things turn out.
Didnt make shit at the show. I bought some glowsticks in hopes of making money, but i sold like 6 of them, thus only making 3 dollar profit. I cant say iam not mad about being last and having no merch sales(Butters didn't say we had merch), but mehhhh, it was a great show if you take out the judgement and the fact that people want to buy a shirt with an obscure catch phrase on it, then iam good.
When Forever Fails makes fun of gay people. almost all metal shirts have some stupid shit on the back recalling the time they raped their dog, with catch phrases like, "You Got What You Deserved"(confined to the shadows shirt) or "I am not ashamed" yea man keep raping your dog your not ashamed. what are those phrases suppose to imply? hahahahaha
anyways iam done rambling and making fun of the scene. In a way i feel bad because i am never this arrogant. meh, i put together a EP. its 6 songs, the.... 2nd song i just made but everything else was like last week when i was bored at 4am. enjoy or dont...haha love and peace~

the linkkk>>>>>>>>http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zjmyjj2tyy2<<<<<<